Learning brings hope. In a Catholic school hope is based on the experience of God’s love and care for all. Catholic educators see learning as a journey of endless possibilities, where students are energised to seek meaning and explore questions about the world around them.
In partnership with parents and the broader Church, Catholic schools contribute to a life-foundation for students that is centred in Jesus Christ and grounded in truth, beauty and love. At the very heart of each Catholic school is a desire for the full flourishing of each student, across religious, physical, cognitive, emotional and social domains. Here we support students to grow in virtue and to embrace a view of themselves and the world that leads to peace, justice, and the prospering of the whole of creation. It is a journey that is enlightened by faith, animated by love and leading to hope. (Horizons of Hope, CEM)
At St Joseph’s our Catholicity permeates all that we do. We aim to develop learners who:
- are malleable to circumstance
- are creative and critical thinkers
- are informed and active citizens
- have conviction to serve with dignity
- are articulate and effective communicators
At St Joseph’s our curriculum is divided into five main areas. These are
- Religious Education
- English
- Mathematics
- Multi Domain (covering all other curriculum areas through an inquiry approach)
- Specialist subject areas
All curriculum content is guided by the Victorian Curriculum and Catholic Education Melbourne.
The specialist subject areas taught at St Joseph’s from Foundation to Year Six are:
- Physical Education
- Mandarin
- Visual Arts
- Performing Arts
- Digital Technologies
St Joseph’s has a philosophy of learning as an individual’s endeavour. Ongoing assessment guides the learning in order learning to meet the needs of each learner. Regular classroom teaching is further enhanced by the following: (Learning Enhancement Programs)
- Meet the Expert
- Maths Extension and Intervention
- Reading Recovery
- ERIK (Enhanced Reading Intervention Knowledge)
- PERI (Phonological Early Reading Intervention)
- Maths Intervention
We acknowledge that learning takes place in many settings and St Joseph’s students have access to various learning spaces.
All classrooms have been recently re-furnished to reflect flexible learning spaces in order to cater for individual and group learning. All Year Three to Six students have access to 1:1 Chromebooks to further enhance learning.